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  1. My dad finally figured out how to leave my mom.

She's been physically abusing him, calling his phone, my phone and anyone else filling everyone's inbox with manic messages. He moved out into a friends house for a few months (and has since started seeing someone) my mom has been showing up at his place accusing my dad of sleeping with his landlord and literally anyone that is a female.

There is no bounds on age or anything. My parents are both under 50, and my mom has gone as far to accuse my dad of sleeping with a 70 yr old woman...

The last time I saw my mom (minimal contact, I left home at 14) it was Christmas time. In between trying to exchange gifts she kept saying "did you know your dad had girlfriends before me" "did you know your dad is fucking everyone"

This has gone on since before I was born. My dad has PTSD (initially not related to the relationship) my brother is 20 and has tremors from drug use, and my mom has been lying about being diagnosed with cancer. My brother and mom are staying together in the family house that is being sold this month. My mom is refusing to leave. It's to the point where even my moms friends have reached out to my dad saying he needs to involve the police and lawyers. Thankfully they are only common law but even still anything they have their names in jointly my mom has not been paying.. (car payments, cell phone bills, mortgage) and has claimed she wants to ruin my dad for leaving her.

It all boiled down to last weekend where my dad rented a flat bed to help them move (even though he didn't want to)

My mom told him to go fuck himself and stated she's moving later with some "real men"

On the plus side, the relationship I have with my dad has changed drastically for the better. I have never seen him happy until this year. It scared me at first.

On the negative I feel so sorry for my mom that she can't grasp reality and accept what has happened. On the other hand she is terrifying and I see her taking her own life or harming someone else.

I hate when people say "family first" Family is a fucking cancer. Choose your "family" surround yourself with people you love, and be cold in your need to cut others out.

If anyone else has grown up in insanity, just know you're not alone in that, and some of the worst dealt hands can reap the biggest pay offs.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread