Check out the 'Hyperborean Society' on Facebook for all of your Alt-Left developments.

Fuck off with this shit. If you think "misogynists" "xenophobes" and "white supremacists" are an actual problem in American society, then you buy into SJW's crap, even if you think of yourself as anti-SJW.

And Donald Trump, for all his faults, is not a Nazi or a Fascist or a misogynist or a racist. That type of talk is why people hate SJWs AND WHY DEMOCRATS FUCKING LOST, it not just the corporatists. Being under the influence of "progressive" social authoritarianism is no better than being under the influence of corporations.

And people like Milo are not the Republican establishment just cause Trump is in the White House. If Bernie Sanders won the White House, people with progressive economics would not be the Democratic establishment, there would still be a ton of corporate Democrats.

It is ok to oppose Trump on his conservative economics and his conservative Supreme Court appointments. But it is not good to be part of a knee-jerk hate that blinds reason. I know you are not saying this, but some people are, even on the "anti-PC liberal" side, there are people that buy into anything they hear about Trump from the corporate media, the CIA/ Deep State. They buy into the "Muh Russians" narrative about why Hillary lost, instead of the idea that she was just a shitty candidate. The corporate media and the Deep State are pushing hostile relations with Russia, they want more Middle East wars and money for the military industrial complex. If you think I'm just kissing Trump's ass, listen to Dennis Kucinich, a solid liberal who NEVER sucked the corporate cock. ([]

The CIA/Deep State is not suddenly trust worthy, nor is the corporate media, just because they happen to oppose a conservative that we will often disagree with. Remember that the CIA & the corporate media lied us into Iraq.

And Trump for his all faults is more socially liberal than the rest of his party & less of a war monger. When we compare him to Hitler/call him a fascist, that only helps the worst elements in his party. Like the Neo-Cons that want Trump to be more of war monger. Like the economic conservatives that will love Trump's tax plan but will still hate Trump for not being for bad trade deals like the TTP & NAFTA. Like the Religious Right that want Trump to be a hardcore Christian Conservative & anti-gay. Trump won traditionally blue states for a reason. Ted Cruz/Jeb Bush/Marco Rubio could not have won over Hillary Clinton/most Democratic politicians in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin while also coming close in Minnesota, New Hampshire and Maine.

One of the biggest recent mistakes that Democrats have made, was in 2009 & 2010, when they dismissed Tea Partiers as just racists that hated Barack Obama, instead of thinking of them as potential voters. Alot of these people were mad about the recent bank bailouts, mad about the state of the economy and Democrats just dismissed them. Sure, we couldn't win all of them, or even maybe most of them, but we could've won at least some of them and that could've made the difference in the 2010 midterms. Maybe Democrats wouldn't have gotten clobbered then. Just as we shouldn't have dismissed Tea Partiers then, we should not dismiss voters who are often falsely labeled "alt-right" now. The idea that these are just a bunch of racists that can't be reached by addressing their economic anxiety is a corporate media narrative to help corporate Democrats and Republicans.

/r/RealAltLeft Thread