Checkmate, Christians!

I came to the mall one day to buy some makeup and i saw a trio of boys preaching to the public about how god's not real and how humans evolved from monkeys. They were being really loud and annoying to the people so i decided to step in. I walked up to the leader as he was preaching and i looked at him straight in his eyes with a grin on my face. I said "oh yeah? If humans evolved from monkeys, then how come monkeys still exist?!". He looked at me with his mouth wide open, he was flabbergasted and his eyes widened and his face became more red. He realized at that moment that he was defeated. It was a good five seconds before he attempted to speak again. But he wasn't saying actual words this time, he just couldn't fathom being debunked so easily by a girl that he started spewing random words "but but if... when... I... the earth.. Darwin..." He couldn't form a single complete sentence. The other two atheists stood in silence as they watched their leader fumble his words. He became louder and more desperate as he started sweating. The public around us stopped to listen what was happening to this previously-confident atheist. He was now panicking really badly and i was worried he might scare the public even more, so i decided to act fast. I slapped him across the face really hard. He spun in midair and fell on the floor behind him, his fedora flying several feet away. This drew a loud gasp from the audience that now collectively formed around us. The atheist boy looked up at me in stunned silence. I stared down at him with my shoulders crossed. Tears were now forming on his face and it almost smelled like he just pissed himself on the floor. Not wasting any time, i told him "get up this instant!". The timed boy was startled at my command and got up right away. I said "don't you ever come back to this mall again, understand?" He nodded and sprinted off to the nearest exit. The other two boys were left standing and cowardly looked at me. I held out my hand and yelled "Your hats! Now!". They just looked at each other for a brief second and gave me their fedoras and then ran right off following their leader passed the exit. As i watched them exit, i heard a growing applause around me from the people watching the spectacle. A lady came up to me and thanked me and a store clerk gave me two hundred dollars for my troubles. But i declined and said it wasn't a problem, i was just doing my moral duty as a human being.

/r/dankchristianmemes Thread Link -