Chefs / Cooks / Restaurant & Café owners... what is an ingredient you wish was grown more locally and easier to source?

I’m not really sure that they should at this point in time. I don’t know. I can understand the argument for and the argument against. Or at very least reinterpreting what that means. Because it’s a totally different era than it was back then. But…that’s the agreement that was signed, so. Until it changes gotta try to make it work as best as we all can.

Frankly, I’d be super keen to learn more about Māori traditions and uses of fungi and mushrooms. But it’s real difficult to get clued in on this. Since there are a wide range of experiences between different Iwi up and down NZ. And some people didn’t really record their traditions and that info has been lost. And some of the same names were seemingly used for several different mushrooms so we don’t really know which ones are really being referred to.

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