Chef's knife recommendations for an "enthusiast"

Might get down voted for this but here's my personal experience with the Victorinox.

I bought a Victorinox in the last year and I think it's garbage. The tl:dr is its rather blunt as knives go and hacks through things like carrots, sweet potatoes by splitting it more than by actually cutting it.

I read this review but against my better judgment bought one anyway since it's always been so highly recommended and my sister recently bought one and said it was great too. Everything that review described was true about the knife that came in.

I have a cheap no name Brazilian 6 in chefs knife that I've used for nearly a decade now and a cheap Chinese butchers knife that both work better for any slicing work. That being said it is a rather thick and sturdy blade, if you expect to be mishandling it a lot, it's probably a knife you can abuse. But if you're not a complete novice with knife work I'd highly recommend literally anything else as your kitchen workhorse.

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