Chicken lives matter

I finally get it and I am ashamed it took so long. I grew up in big city with a bunch of different ethnicities and nationalities and was taught that racism was not okay. I genuinely thought that was everyones mentality.I ended up moving to a smaller city and wow was i wrong. When the black lives matter movement started I would find myself saying well all lives matter but now after seeing racism first handed i know why it must be said. Black lives matter because most of the time they are treated like they dont. We see police brutality and we believe it cant happen in our area so we ignore it. We see someone getting the side eye at the store and we ignore that too. And worst of all we hear those black people jokes and just stay quiet. I stopped being a bystander and I correct someone right away now. Not in a rude way to start a fight but in a way where i know they will listen. And yeah of course some people still dont get and dont care what i have to say but thats okay . I just want to let them know i will not tolerate that behavior around me. Black lives you do matter and I’m sorry for not speaking up sooner.

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