Chicken slightly seasoned with floor

When I actually went to Amy’s Baking Company back in the day after the show, it was fairly normal. I met Samy and I saw Amy in the kitchen. They were the only l ones working and the restaurant was empty.

If I hadn’t seen the show, I would have had no idea what had happened because it looked quite normal.

What wasn’t normal was that there were weirdos stalking that place, looking in the windows, and interrupting our meal. Just real shitbag people.

Samy was okay with it though. He would go outside to them, talk to them, and invite them in, but they would run away from him. They had their cameras out while running.

I determined that the place was doomed from having gone viral because even if they legitimately wanted to change things, it wouldn’t have mattered because there were now people filming themselves being a total dick to Samy just for the clickbait.

Samy talked with us and answered our questions. He wasn’t particularly mean and didn’t shout. He wasn’t a two dimensional character as he was portrayed and I found him to be quite interesting.

I went in there not liking the guy because I’d seen the show but, after staying there for a while, I sympathized with him as these people kept bothering the restaurant. I can’t imagine, day after day, people coming to my work just to bait my personally until i crack, and that will be uploaded to YouTube just to hurt me. No way. Fuck that.

So it doesn’t surprise me that after a while they closed down and have moved on to other things. I wish them well.

I’m a Gordon Ramsay fan, but I also met two human beings whose lives were shattered from going viral, so it was hard not to feel bad for them. My opinion was that the episode was somewhat real but edited brutally two-dimensionally and one-sided on purpose to send a message: don’t fuck with us. Don’t have us come to Arizona and bring all of our production shit and then be total dicks to us and not work with us or we’ll fuck you and you won’t recover.

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