Child porn gang ringleader beaten to death in Michigan prison.

Someone put there business pants on a little too tight today. Its amazing how i can't even make a joke anymore on reddit, and it's not like you were calling out my bad joke (or ignoring altogether is an option too you fucking prick). You are a complete fucking idiot if you think I was being serious about cramming someone's severed genitals down their throat. But the idea that people like you exist in droves really doesn't cause me to want more people on this planet. You took the time to respond to a low tier, clearly sarcastic comment and preach because your SJW chode stated tingling. Youre seem irredeemably lame and so gooddam thick you because can't decipher absurd dark humor with extreme gore violence (no matter how poorly written) from reality in the context of a sub based solely of a very loose interpretation of "justice". And for the record, I'm mostly left leaning and agaisnt the death penalty you fucking fool. Your quote: "People like you are why the justice system is a fucked you place" oh my god if you only knew... You are a fucking idiot. I wish I knew which victim status you falsely claim so I could hit that nerve; all I can surmise is that you are a shade above completely retarded.

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