a childhood memory. this one comes to mind quite a lot...

I’m sure that was a very frightening experience for you. I can understand why it a recurring memory. This was so my n mom. She once dropped me, my friend and my little brother off at a g rated movie and she ......Promised ...she’d stay at the mall and shop and would be waiting for us when it got out. When it was over, no Mom. We waited a few minutes then went to see if she was in the car. Her car was gone. I called my house, it was nearly 9 pm at this point and thankfully Dad answered. “Oh your mother is next door having tea, she said your movie didn’t get out until 10pm.” It was g rated movie that started at 7 pm. They finally arrived to pick us up around 9:30. Mom was slumped in the front seat not saying a word.....they got divorced a short time later.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread