Childhood neglect was associated with Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism, which in turn were related to greater levels of malevolent creativity as adults, who were more likely to think about ways to take revenge on others, fabricate lies to simplify a situation, and pull pranks.

I do have optimism that enough of us can break the cycle.

And the ones who don't despite thinking they would? People can say they want to break the cycle all you want, but the fact is that if they have kids after going through childhood trauma at the hands of their parents, they value their desire to have kids over not having a significant chance of traumatizing their kid/s. Flat out. If they do, they should admit to it.

Also yes, it is an absolute, you can't traumatize a child when the child doesn't exist. Trauma can lead to black and white thinking, but this is a case where it is truly black and white. Not have kids and guarantee an end to the cycle, or put the desire to have kids over the desire to guarantee an end to the cycle.

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