Children being captured by the Islamic State and put in cages to be sold as sex slaves. This is happening till this day and is ordered by the religion of Islam itself from its own scripture (evidence from the Quran itself in the comments)

You keep saying that Christianity gets criticized more, but that’s not been my experience. Maybe it’s because you don’t live in the US, but where I live, in the Bible Belt, it’s all Anti-Muslim rhetoric everywhere. I know online you’ll see more Christian hate, but in real life, I think it’s different. I live in the Bible Belt and trust me, Muslims get a criticized, expect it’s not just criticism, it’s more so racism. I think your line of “if you criticize Christianity you’ll receive support” only applies via the internet. In America Christianity gets criticized more because it’s the religion that directly interferes with our life’s. Our separation of church and state is very small, so that’s why American’s tend to hate on Christianity via the internet.

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