Children and young adults are being taught that policing everyone else’s lives is not only an acceptable pastime, but an encouraged one.

In my opinion there's Two big reasons for this:

  1. People now think in an ego inflated comic book movie mentality. Where they believe that them and their friends are rag tag freedom fighters fighting some evil archetype cabal oppressing them. I see this will all overly political people. If I'm the good guy anyone who doesn't agree with me must be the the bad guy and therefore evil. It comes from an egotistical sense of self-nobility. It's not just young people I see this is 50-60 year olds too.
  2. Years of post-911 'nation building' and terrorist killing have left a skewed view on what 'evil' is. For most of young peoples lives the media has portrayed evil as a personified and physical entity that can be bombed and destroyed. The bad people are over there, all we have to do is destroy them to conquer evil, type of thinking.
/r/unpopularopinion Thread