Chile who? Zhongli what? I'm saving all my primogems for one husbando and one husbando only.

Unfortunately, my team is also shot off. Their levels, weapon levels artifact levels are too spread out (and a lot of those artifacts are too low). Because of this, their roles are always changing all the time:

My MDPS (MC Geo) becomes a support for the crystallize.

My SDPS (Fischl C0) becomes MDPS... sometimes, sometimes turret support, sometimes elemental support

My nuker/support (Sucrose C2) becomes MDPS... sometimes, sometimes elemental support

My Utility (Noelle C0) becomes either MDPS or Support because of the crystallize.

I don't have a single strategy when it comes to facing enemies and I just work around whatever works

The only well-built (as far as I can see) is my supports (Fischl and Sucrose) and that's already half of my party. It's like I'm running with only one leg working. If I ascended now, It's gonna be like I'm running with no legs and I carry the wheelchair on my back

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