Chin ups help!

Personally, I’d start doing more volume and start doing weighted.

I (95kg) do chin-ups superset with bench/OHP so I never go all out on reps, but I get a bunch of volume in. A usual day starts with 6-7 reps per set, going down to 5 reps per set as I fatigue until I’ve done at least 50 total, 3x a week.

That was my program for a while (before than I also tried to do at least 30 on the other days, but I tried stopping that and saw no big difference).

Now I started doing the first few sets x5 weighted instead, and doing 4x5@10kg was no problem right off the bat, finishing off with another 6x5 bodyweight (which feel really freaking easy after the weighted ones).

My plan from here is to keep doing 3-4x5 weighted, progressing the weight there, and completing to at least 50 total volume with body weight.

/r/Fitness Thread