China banned millions of people with poor social credit from transportation in 2018 - By 2020, China aims to have a file on every Chinese citizen that includes all the data collected on their behavior

The social credit system is the biggest internet myth about China and western people kinda just go with it: politicians find it convenient, press find it gives easy traffic, and normal people just have sinophobia.

Is there a credit system enforced? Yes. Is it about being a good boy to the government? Fuck no lmao. This is how you ACTUALLY get enlisted: if you owe somebody or the bank a ton of money and refuse to pay back, they have the right to report you to the court, and the court can then issue an order to ban you from consuming “luxury” products and services(planes, high speed trains and five star hotels, etc), and to ban you from traveling abroad. The process is well known, with website and government record available. It’s merely a court order thing, there is no hidden points ticking behind you back. Source: one of my family friends is literally on that list because his real estate Corp went bankrupt. Other than it’s inconvenient to him that he can’t fly in for college reunion with my dad and other roommates, things are fine really.

But yea, it’s China. So you can always say well but they are not as transparent so heres how it actually works. lol.

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