China crushes mass protest by bank depositors demanding their life savings back

IMO the fact that we're seeing bank runs, sky high inflation, supply shortages and obscene leveraged trading is bad enough but when you consider things like the FED bailing out banks AGAIN in 2019 to the tune of trillions of dollars and then suppressing that information from the public it spells disaster. That was before Covid borrowing and increased spending on international security because, yknow war in Europe.

There are many graphs that show just how bad things already are but when you overlay SPY's recent bull run over pre 2008 and pre dot com bubble runs it's just insane to see how fucked it all is and how far from 'the bottom' we actually are.

Not to be hysterical and all, it's not really my style, but we're in the eye of a perfect storm and there will be nowhere to hide when everyone realises the music has already stopped. Just look at how JPow handled inflation:

  • it's unlikely;
  • it's transitory;
  • it's bad but will be short lived;
  • inflation here to stay;
  • it's the people's fault for spending their stimulus cheques;

If I could see that coming before it happened, it's not a stretch to assume that the chair of the FED and everyone in those upper echelons of the financial world knew well before anyone else did. When it comes to a global economic catastrophe we're currently at the 'it's unlikely' stage in the narrative.

I just hope everyone holds on tight and helps eachother, my guess is it'll be at least as bad if not worse than 2008 but more global, not semi-isolated to the US.

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