Is China a dictatorship of the proletariat?

you should look up what a revolution actually means, it's a descendant from hegel's influence, it's basically akin to a paradigm shift as a result of dialectical synthesis.

A new bourgeois class? what do you mean? You mean like Lenin's NEP? That's a strategy to bolster the economy through taxation.

The state apparatus is the same between bourgeois society and lower state socialism, it just has a different goal: the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeois is replaced by an exploitation of the bourgeois by the proletariat. This seizing of the means of production is both the first and last act of the state, as engles writes, until fully dissolving once counter revolutionary forces come to an end, counterrevolutionary like bourgeois tarrifs, embargoes, coups, wars, etc. The reason china is still in lower phase socialism is because counter revolutionary forces still exit, at least if china is a dotp and the ML theory of a transition out of capitalism is correct.

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