China introduces progressive sex ed curriculum, includes pro LGBTQ+ comments and gender equality.

Democracies do very bad things sometimes, like install dictatorships. I'm really not arguing with you on that. Countries are self-serving, just like individuals are. But on the whole, they have been much better for their own people than authoritarian regimes.

You pretty much proved my point here. Since Western democracies are extremely dangerous for the rest of the world, they should lose their power and plunge into misery.

The Chinese can do whatever they want to themselves. That's their business, not mine.

Killing foreigners in foreign land is many orders of magnitude worse than a misguided leader causing some people to die unintentionally due to a bad policy. The US, for example, is so much worse and more evil than Mao's China, let alone current China, that it isn't even a fair comparison.

Also it's true that Mao wasn't especially gifted as a leader. He did a much more important thing: He led the establishment of the CCP, which is a very effective leading body. His mistakes (because they were that, mistakes, not like when Eisenhower destroyed a couple of Central American countries to ensure the safety of some Fruit companies), are perfectly forgivable given the immense good that he brought to his country.

And even the world, really. It would be almost an utopia to have a world were the West has lost all its power and a country with a relatively peaceful foreign policy, like China, is in the hegemonic role.

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