China is not leftist. Marxists should unite in ruthlessly criticising it.

Depends on if China wants to build an whole arsenal of weapons of mass destruction like one of their (may I say) biggest enemies: the U.S. Would definitely become a cold war case again without any goal achieved for both parties and wasting a lot of the financial reserve to their already hige military industry complex industry. I don't know if China exploits their inmates for a profit like the U.S. for example, but China is not a fan of human rights. So that could potentially spiral out of control. N sucks bro, that you're having a hard time about a girl. I had my heartbreak too. 2 weeks ago. This hot girl just stood me up after we planned to meet up and she just all of the sudden was 'dating' somebody and didn't want anything to do with me. Too bad, chick had a big brains n tits so that sucks.. Could've gone all philosophical with her while jiggling her titties. She has a nice ass too, but yeah my life only serves lemons it seems. The ones that are rotten, so can't even make lemonade out of them..

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