China tries to stop academics from taking its constitution literally

What the majority of Reddit doesn’t understand about China cannot be explained in a single Reddit comment. But here’s some things to know:

Most of the information you hear about China is propaganda pushed by the CIA. Kind of how Russia meddled in US social media to influence politics. However China doesn’t have the cyber infrastructure to compete with US and allies pushing falsehoods about Chinas government, so it has to censor information to maintain stability.

Tibet (this one triggers me): First of all China has free practice of religion. Yellow Hat Buddhists (the sect of the Dalai Lama) has a history of serfdom. There is numerous amount of literature on the sexual slavery that the Yellow Hat Buddist we’re responsible for. Mao Zedong was too lenient with them. He was heavily criticized by his people for not taking stronger action on the Tibet Buddhists. In reality it was the serfs in Tibet that revolted against the upper caste buddists. Mao simply moved in troops after the revolt Read more about it!

Muslim “Concentration Camps” These camps consist of former insurgents. First of all human right organizations have deemed them to be harmless and beneficial. It is re-education for them to allow these former extremists to participate in society.

In General, Oppressive governments cant exist like this. Chinas population is over 2 billion. If life was as miserable as people say they are, you’d see massive uprising. People freely leave and enter the country, people freely practice their religion as long as they arent forcing conversion on others. Also people forget that the Tiananmen Square protests were protesting Chinas move away from communism and more towards capitalism.

There so much more to say but this already pretty long.

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