China is using South China Sea conflict as a distraction from its slowing economy and to stoke nationalism

毛澤東在一九三七年八月在陝北洛川會議上的講話摘要 “要冷靜,不要到前線去充當抗日英雄,要避開與日本的正面衝突,繞到日軍後方去打游擊,要想辦法擴充八路軍、建立抗日游擊根據地,要千方百計地積蓄和壯大我黨的武裝力量。對政府方面催促的開赴前線的命令,要以各種藉口予以推拖,只有在日軍大大殺傷國軍之後,我們才能坐收抗日成果,去奪取國民黨的政權。我們中國共產黨人一定要趁著國民黨與日本人拼命撕殺的天賜良機,一定要趁著日本佔領中國的大好時機全力壯大,發展自己,一定要抗日勝利後,打敗精疲力盡的國民黨,拿下整個中國。”<



Mao's order to all party members of CCP: “ The aim is to develop the military power of the CCP, in order to stage a coup d'état. This main directive is to be strictly followed: "10% of energy on anti-Japanese, 20% of energy muddering along, 70% of energy is used to develop(political and military power). Anybody, any groups are not to oppose this paramount directive. ”

Another famous directive from Mao: Some people insisted, to show that we do love our nation, we should be more anti-Japanese, but then the nation belongs to Chiang Kai-sak, we communists, our mother-land is Soviet Union, the common mother-land of the world's communists. The aim of we communists, is to allow the Japanese to occupy more land, then a power triangle will be formed, which consisted of Chiang, Japanese and us, which is the ideal situation, the worst come to the worst, if ever Japanese occupy the whole of China, we would then still be able to fight back, with the help of the Soviet Union.

In 1972, when PRC and Japan established former diplomatic relationship, Mao Zedong met the then Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei, and said: Don't have to say sorry, you had contributed towards China, why? Because had Imperial Japan did not start the war of invasion, how could we communist became mighty powerful? How could we stage the coup d'état ? How could we defeat Chiang Kai Sak? How are we going to pay back you guys? No, we do not want your war reparations! (Translated from Tanaka Kakuei Biography, original in Japanese.)

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