Chinese student Wu Huayan dies after living on pennies a day

Not a socialist myself, can’t imagine a system with zero private property and all labor socialized, but certain things should be socialized: education, healthcare, defense, prison, insurance (or lack thereof) and energy. The only way any form of democracy will ever work (social or not) is with a large enough educated, enlightened, individualized, society who can check and control the government they (actually show up) and vote for. Both socialist/communist attempts, as well as our current highly corrupt ‘capitalist’ system, which focuses on dividing and controlling with stupidity, ignorance, anti intellectualism and partaility at its core. We teach our kids creationism in some parts of the country ffs.

The only way to check the rich is to have enough people who are educated. a few people educated, like we have today just allows them to become jaded and self serving (why sacrifice my effort if the fight is fucked) especially when becoming educated costs tons of money in our current system. We need another enlightenment. Collective intelligence is kinda like herd immunity: too Many idiots and were all fucked, except the super rich, laughing their way to the bank. But if we have enough intelligent folk, and reach that critical mass of enlightenment, we can possibly have that herd immunity to avoid corrupt governments and corporations. It’s just totally unheard of. The ruling class has always controlled education though various means to control the population.

Education directly translates to standard of living.

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