Do you choose to be with one gender for romantic/sexual attractions despite acknowledging an equal/possible interest in the other?

There’s a whole lot of internalized homophobia and biphobia for me which makes it hard for me to act on my attractions to men, even though I have very close emotional relationships with men, find men physically attractive, and am slowly becoming more open to exploring that side of me.

The thing is though, I’ve always leaned towards women, enjoy relationships with women, and am not overly sexual as a person that I can’t imagine ever feeling like I’m missing out on anything if I married the right woman versus being with a guy. Like I enjoy sex with women a lot, have a pretty high libido, but it’s not that important to me in terms of actual happiness. I crave the emotional closeness of a relationship more than I crave sex, and in the past have felt like I’ve used sex to try to build emotional closeness with people rather than the other way around, and as a result, I’ve struggled with relationships. My therapist says I’m a relationship guy who hides that about myself.

/r/bisexual Thread