Chop shop bill gutted after "backlash" from SF Bike and homeless advocates

It will be so. I don't know why every organization devolves into homeless-peoples' rights organization.

Chop shops, or assemblages of bicycles and/or bicycle parts in open view on our city streets, are without a doubt the most visible symptom of bicycle theft in our city. They are frustrating reminders of many problems that our city is facing, including homelessness, opioid addiction, displacement due to increasing costs of living, and the lack of affordable transportation.

They have other recommendations as well, and I'm in favour of those, but I don't see why it can't be a multi-pronged approach. I honestly do not understand why SFBC has to worry itself about opioid addiction, etc.

I'm not saying we should abandon our addicts, but every organisation doesn't have to be an anti-addiction organisation. Our environmental club tackles displacement, our bicycle advocacy group tackles homelessness. What's next? Our train services building affordable housing? Do your fucking job, Brian. Stop doing someone else's job shittily.

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