I chose a different church for my baby’s christening and apparently my MIL is very upset

Neither me nor my husband want to let her gain control. The only reason my husband gives into her pressure sometimes is because it is just easier that way. However, that does not happen often and usually It is about small things. And yes she is mistreating me at times, but I manage to keep her at an arm’s length but mostly thanks to my husband’s interventions. I don’t like arguing with her. There is no winning.

I think she likes that she gets to spend time with my daughter. She tells everybody about it. She does draw benefits from this relationship so she is not only helping us she is also helping herself. This is why it hurt me. My daughter is a sweet baby, yes she does take short naps and does not like to play alone, and maybe cries too easily when nobody pays attention to her but she is a really lovely baby, far from being a burden.

My husband had another talk with her this morning and she did not mention it to me so far. I don’t know what transpired because he just went right back to work so he’ll tell me later.

/r/JUSTNOMIL Thread Parent