Christian alt righters, how do you reconcile with the premise that God gave every sub species of human an invaluable soul? How do you not find it insulting that God views you as equal to a pygmy or an australian abo?

Sigh, it is condemned multiple, times in the Bible. I really couldn't be bothered going into in full detail, but, here you go.

Adulterate (v.) "debase by mixing with foreign or inferior material, make corrupt," 1530s, back-formation from adulteration, or else from Latin adulteratus, past participle of adulterare "to falsify, corrupt," also "to commit adultery." Earlier verb was adulter (late 14c. in the sense "make impure"), directly from the Latin verb, but this English verb also carried the sense "commit adultery."

adulterer (n.) early 15c., agent noun from obsolete verb adulter "commit adultery; adulterate, make impure, pollute" (late 14c.), from Latin adulterare "to corrupt" (see adulteration). The earlier form in Middle English was avouter (c. 1300), avoutrer (late 14c.), "person (usually a man) guilty of adultery," from Old French avoutrier, from the Latin verb, or from Latin adulter "adulterer, seducer," noun use of an adjective.

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