As Christians, how do we convince ourselves that having billions doesn't make us happier?

You should look into the philosophy of Alan Watts. A particular lecture that comes to mind is "What happens when you only pursue pleasure" the jist of it is - Absolute fulfillment of any desire will lead to boredom and detachment. It's also a good examination of the problem of Utopia. A bit like the Twilight Zone episode of the criminal who dies and goes to what appears to be Heaven, only to realize in the final scene it is hell. "I don't belong here, chief, I belong in the other place." "Why sir, what ever convinced you you weren't in the other place!"

He wants to gamble? By all means. He wins again. Oh, would he like to arrange to loose once or twice? The dames, they're real, right? Why, is their personality making them seem robotic? He could of course arrange to change them. A police chase? How thrilling. Oh, of course he's going t get away, unless he would like to be caught?

So. What does having billions honestly do to make you happy? You have more things. Okay. What of it. What about those things makes you happy? Well to some; social media influencers and celebrities, it's because it brings attention to them. Why do they desire attention? What is that going to do to make them "Happy"?

For others, it is Entertainment. Gizmos and Toys that make you happy. However, this begs the question, if you are only happy because your Gizmo is going bleep and bloop, what will happen when it breaks.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

If you are unhappy without billions, those billions wouldn't make you happy. They'd just distract you from the reasons you are unhappy.

/r/Christianity Thread