Why a Chrome OS and Android merger isn't what we really need - TechRepublic

Seems to go to the heart of a question I asked yesterday.

We have android apps now, but after briefly trying a few things rather unsuccessfully from the play store, I was back looking at chrome apps in the web store. Another point of pain is that I have to put my device into dev mode if I want to side load an android app not allowed on the play store, like NewPipe. I can write and load my own chrome apps without dropping into dev mode. I can distribute them outside of the chrome store and people could just load them as unpacked apps if they want. Google could change that, but not without making life worse for the few Chrome app developers they have. It also seems like the chromeos market is huge and untapped. ChromeOS has the "number two market share in the U.S. and U.K.", but there's really very few people developing apps for it. To me, that sounds like a big opportunity.

/r/chromeos Thread Link - techrepublic.com