Chronic pain -- who to talk to?

It sounds like you're on the right path, perhaps asking your general practitioner for a low dose of Xanax would help but that brings additional dangers. I took one of the lowest dose pills split in half twice daily for a few months, I also used cannabis.

I don't take anything now but I still religiously do my mobility, stretching and imbalance strengthening exercises as well as self myofascial release and daily cycling on my bike. The process can be slow but if you stick with it your body will surprise you with how effectively it can heal chronic long term injury.

Here's another thing I recommend, do more aerobic training where you oxygenate but exhaust your entire body. This serves the dual purpose of increasing blood flow to damaged areas and lowering resting muscle tone (making your mucles more relaxed and supple when you're sitting still). Just a quick question, are you seeing a personal fitness instructor or a qualified Physiotherapist? When I went to a proper physio I made huge strides, they can do special things like dry needling which is astonishingly effective at increasing blood flow and reducing pain. They also provide very specific exercise routines for you to do, much like a personal trainer but dare I say... better qualified. Massage will help, yoga and pilates will help, going to the sauna or steam room will help. Get an ergonomic desk chair or even a standing desk and look into something called the Alexander Technique, in fact here's a little a primer on what it is

I'm just going to add one caveat regarding the use of drugs, I'm a recovering alcoholic, 3 years sober, my doctor was super cautious when prescribing Xanax and yours should be too ;D

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