Church leaders are two faced lying back stabbers who don't actually care about any member.

Damn dude, you hit him with this every time he says something. If you think he's breaking rules and evading bans, report him and reach out to the mods if you really feel you must. I get that this guy is coming from a different place than most of us and that some of what he posts and says can see strange or out of place, but your personal crusade to out him as a rule breaker or not an authentic enough exmo does not strike me as noble or helpful or within the spirit of this space as all. I've not interacted a ton with either of you and may be missing some context but all I can think is that I would be upset if someone hit every single one of my posts with a message intended to get me in trouble or diminish my credibility.

I frankly don't give a shit if u/nelsonisanitwit has been out of line in the past so long as what he posts now is in line with the purpose of this sub. Even if I disagree or think his take is odd, which I sometimes do. Let him say what he wants here, man.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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