CIBC doesn't understand web security

Oh, and it's "effects", not "affects".

Based on that one line I can tell you must be a prick to work for and I feel sorry for your staff. You're just white knighting this situation and failing to understand the human element. When you're on the scope of supporting 120 million customers, you're in a different ball park.

There is also no skirting these situations at the company. If my plan works and the customer is off the phone faster with their problem fixed faster, then the call is more likely to be audited for quality assurance. In terms of customer service, I was one of the higher rated in that particular call centre (less repeat calls, high single-call resolutions).

the know-it-all's. This group knows a lot and thinks they have everything mastered

I would argue I defined that in my post:

those that have just enough information to be dangerous

And no, I'm not in that group, I'm in the group that actually knows this information (the middle one). The one that knows the extent of my knowledge and when I need to ask Google/Colleagues/tech support, but not a moment before. I'm the one that has done the basic troubleshooting and the moment I step on the call identifies the issue, what I have attempted to do before it, and the expected result vs actual result. The person, that if people on the phone pay attention to (these are the types of people I loved to receive calls from when I was doing this), can make the job soooo much easier.

I know you're never going to understand this, as you need to protect the underdogs from the cruel support desk people who are out there to mislead the masses and be lazy evil-doers. Just keep pushing those scripts, and ensuring your staff follows each and every word to a tee. I can assure you, that while you think you're hot shit, everyone around you thinks you're an ass. They won't tell you to your face. The people above you tolerate you, and the people below you are just waiting to get out.

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