The circles of alt-right radicalization online and on reddit.

I almost became that person. I probably would have gone to that nazi rally too because I believed it was being blown out of proportion by the media. I'm not saying I would have gone as as some nazi larper but just as an observer or to film. If I had seen actual nazis in real life I honestly would have joined the counter protesters. Well, that's what I like to think but honestly who knows... Seeing /pol/ getting attacked in real life might have triggered me into the IRL wrong side of history. I used to see the internet as something separate but every day it manifests more and more into the real world. Which is fine for the most part, but when /pol/ incarnates it needs to be beaten back into the abyss.

One good thing that came out of this is that when /pol/ came out that night I finally knew what the alt-right was. It took that much to finally pull me out of this insanity. Meme's are a hell of a drug. I actually started believing a lot of it. Mostly sarcastically but that shit is insidious. It infects your mind after seeing it over and over again. It's real, I can tell you everything u/tit_wrangler wrote is 100% true.

Well anyway I'm still recovering from all of this, sorry for being all over the place. I'm only memeing for the good of mankind from now on. I'll do whatever I have to do to help save my brothers that can still be saved.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I can do to help please let me know. I played a role in this too and I have to do whatever I can do to help stop it.

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