Citadel hiring psychologists...

Those psychologists, if they are effectively used, are using mass media to create a desired effect on the AMC/GME investors, and the way they look to AMC stock and company. They want investors to believe what they are spreading, influence individual views and beliefs, or even skewing a person's knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information.

Whether these media messages (they mainly use CNBC, Mothley fool, Marketwatch, Reddit, Youtube comments and many others) has an effect on any of its audience members is contingent on many factors, including the audience demographics and psychological characteristics.

This is probably the worst headache for hedgefunds... The retail investors in AMC and GME is very diverse, uncoordinated, of any age and background, from different cultures and different levels of education, some with limited financial resources and some with big resources... Moreover, they are spread over many platforms and many even are on no platform at all, just waiting for the MOASS without even participating in any conversation or reading the FUD articles. Also, most of the retail investors have invested a limited amount of money and loosing some or even all does not outweighs the potential gain... We clearly see these individuals react in a total different way as a coordinated organised group... The negative (and false and fake) articles seem to have the opposite effect as one would expect and investors are even more determined to “buy and Hodl” as more FUD is being spread. So far, they did not book any results, even if the FUD is backed up with orchestrated price falls...

Basically, the FUD campaigns have had on opposite effect which has now become a “second nature” for the investors.. I personally see no way for the hedgefunds to escape the big pain anymore...

In my opinion, the only thing the hedgefunds could still do is to choose for a managed damage control, or soon things will be out of any possible control and the damage could be much worse.

But in both cases, the harm has been done and hedgefunds will have to face the consequences...

/r/amcstock Thread