Cities with High Bicycling Rates are Safer for all Road Users

I think bicycling rates are misleading, and to really compare cycling in America to other places around the world it should be the percentage of people cycling within an x distance diameter of the city center. People who live 10 miles away will never bicycle into the city. Not to say you can't or that people don't do it or that that's some kind of impressive feat, but it's always going going to get blown away by driving time to the point where the vast majority of people will never do it (same with the bus), which is surely also the case in even the most bikeable cities in Europe. Those are just lost causes. It's much more important and indicative of what things are actually like on the ground to look at the low hanging fruit of people who live within a few miles of the city center whose barrier is mostly cultural as opposed to logistical.

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