Citing staffing issues and political climate, North Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies

Just to clear this up, I get all of my news from AP, reddit, and other left-leaning sources. Heck, I even read articles on Mother Jones. I never watch conservative commentators or consume conservative media, because those people are truly insane. That said, what you claim about radical conservatives being the only ones "preoccupied" with gender and race is patently untrue. Both radical factions are obsessed with it. I sat in classes in college and had to listen as far-left teachers lectured us on microaggressions and skin color and trans people and the whole nine yards. Some of the students were even worse, taking up this stuff like a crusade and trying to be as woke as possible. Now, I'm not saying that everything they said was crazy talk, in fact, I think a lot of it was perfectly reasonable. The issue is that the more radical element is always more vocal and ends up drowning out or co-opting the reasonable part of the philosophy. That is what I have an issue with, the radical elements on both sides, not the middle-of-the-road reasonable stuff.

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