City threatens to fine Uber drivers.

Cab drivers already make less than minimum wage, with no benefits, no employee security nets, no sick days (I have to PAY $125 to call in sick), terrible hours, and endure ungodly amounts of abuse. I know it's all the rage these days to shit all over people struggling to make a living doing a thankless and grueling job, but seriously pull your head out of your ass and ask yourself why you trust a huge faceless multi-national corporation with SHAREHOLDERS to provide a better, cheaper, and more equitable service in the long run. If Uber (god, that name) should succeed in becoming the de facto American cab company, you assholes supporting it now are going to get what you deserve. Once Uber gets tired of throwing money at subsidized fairs and competition-busting discounts, and decide to tighten the screws (and, you know, earn that $41 billion valuation?), cab service will settle in a much much worse place. Uber drivers are already realizing that after taxes and vehicle depreciation they are making literally NOTHING. But that doesn't matter as Uber has already roped the next set of suckers in to run their personal vehicles into the ground. Don't believe me? Search any major craigslist help wanted section.

If Uber was as great as you all think it is, why would I still be driving a cab? I've extensively researched Uber and Lyft. I'm staying put with my morals intact, thank you. And before you anecdotally shit all over cab drivers, let me anecdotally say that I take enormous pride in my work, and go above and beyond DAILY. I have held people's hair while they puke, carried elderly people into their homes and turned the lights on because they live alone, prevented date rape, always take the shortest route unless directed otherwise, transport people who should really be using an ambulance but can't afford it, keep my cab as clean as possible, and provide info to the best restaurants, parks, hotels happily.. You are paying a HUMAN BEING to maintain a vehicle, have appropriate insurance, know the city, drive to wherever you are to pick you up, wait for you, then drive you somewhere. And you still complain when you have to pay $10 for that 15-30 minute service.

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