Civil society coalition takes aim at Harper government for stifling dissent

1)I was the first woman in Canada to take a certified skilled trade with GM CANADA. After 10 years i was denied a pension because i took one maternity leave and because they laid me off along with the 3 men i was hired with for 3 months and then brought us back in another trade- because the UNION and the COMPANY decided that the Tool and DIE workers who threatened a strike rather than TRAIN A WOMAN- had to be appeased. APPEASED and it cost me a PENSION. 2)I went into a Toronto hospital with a tumour that was threatening my ability to walk. There are no alternatives for me, they said, and the crazy physician spent most of the first meeting HARPING about how alcohol hand rinses are AGAINST HIS RELIGION. After the surgery, the stitch holding the drain for normal swelling fluids tore allowing the tube to rotate and puncture the lining in my spine. They allowed the cerebral fluid to DRAIN OFF FOR 8 hours and did NOTHING until my son arrived next morning and insisted that they intervene. THEY altered the records- i have them with nurses notes that indicate they believe that to be the case. They hid what they did in the record -5 days before the surgery on a back page of a report with 2 pages ahead of it which is Xd out indicating that there is NOTHING to follow. They put me into a coma and it took 5 months of REHAB to learn to walk and talk again- AND they refused to tell the rehab hospital what actually happened to me- they told them i had a STROKE. THANK God i got the record. 3) The American company i was working for, which might have been responsible for the tumour itself from an on duty rear end accident, violated my human rights when i became disabled. NO PENSION AGAIN. So, YEAH, CANADIANS are in trouble in our own country. And oh, yes. I did email PM HARPER to ask for help. NO ANSWER.

/r/canada Thread Link -