A civil war occurs in WallStreetBets after mods refuse to post a new GME megathread

I’m up $180k on Crypto and had a YouTube channel that made $300k in 9 months (now terminated).

Literally never worked a day in my life. Keep talking poor boy. Holding hundreds of GME shares and will only sell when that nets me multiple millions.

I’ll be messaging you soon to laugh in your face while you remain poor :)

That’s the problem with poor fucks, they’re in a constant state of worthlessness. Read the DD, look into GME. Another hedge fund dissolved today. 4 of the biggest investment banks have issued the biggest bonds in history all within the same week. You’re gonna lose all your tendies just like in 2008, but instead of the bankers laughing, it’ll be me.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent