Civilisation will collapse because we need to work together in groups of 70 million or 325 million for everyone to survive.

I'm not a socialist - different type of lefty but very sympathetic - but you could look into whether your local DSA or IWW is active.

I recommend tapping into the street organizers and journalism in your area - check twitter, mastodon, and telegram - and get involved in direct action.

We don't have any solutions at a scale we need, but radical organizers (as in supporters of a radically different system than market-based capitalism) are the ones doing the pioneering in that direction.

Liberate yourself. Meditate. Examine your own indoctrinations. Learn to accept the present moment no matter how uncomfortable it is, and to not cling to the past. Become comfortable with the fact that you've always existed in a system of collapse and hegemony, and don't hide from it.

When collapse comes and hierarchies like governments fall apart, street organizing is the skillset will make neighborhoods successful. We think of the solution to be fixing the world but we don't have that power. The solution is to work at the scale you can affect - the personal, household, and community level.

This mentality also leads to the realization that plebeians like us have no power to stop climate change. That's essentially an inevitability, although the capitalists will dictate how exactly it goes down. Focus on preparing those closest to you for adapting to collapse and then - once you and yours are safe - organize mutually at greater scales.

The BLM protests convinced me that collapse will be taking down the status quo, not a communal desire for liberation. Our addiction to the consumerism that capitalism provides will destroy itself.

Your path will be unique to you in the end. Good luck!

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