
yes but what purpose does a man have to track the lunar cycle? whereas many women menstruate in sync with the lunar cycle

I didn't say it was invented specifically by men. In any case, as is mentioned in the newsletter by the ethnomathematician that popularized it, early agriculturalism. Remember that the bones are 11k years old. Not paleolithic.

that you lost your mind at someone simply saying "it's a possibility a woman made this"

I think the idea that women could have done it is interesting and compelling. What I 'lost my mind at' is that this particular example is the kind of thing people instantly believe is true regardless of how much hedging the writers do. Like I said, it's the most popular hypothesis completely regardless of what the people actually in the field now believe because of what people want it to be.

a woman still could have made this

I don't know what I've said that makes you think I don't believe a woman could have made this. I just thought the connection was a reach regarding this specific artifact. In the original version by William Irwin Thompson in The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light the bone is not mentioned and he instead argues the Lunar Calendar was invented to track menstruation and mathematics was developed from that point. I find that more plausible because it doesn't try to tie the hypothesis to an artifact.

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