[CJ] A Bad Case of the Mondays

Everything about what we're doing suggests it's a relationship so I'm secure in that part now. I told him that not having the title worried me because it makes it seem like he has one foot out the door ready to leave when something comes up, which is when he told me that he wants it to work out and is optimistic.

It does irritate me but I guess I'm okay waiting until he comes around to it because it doesn't really change anything, and I want him to feel comfortable with it and not rushed. I don't know if this really answers your question but I mean that I am fulfilled otherwise so it's okay he's a dumbaline in this instance... mostly.

It does a little bit bother because it kind of feels like some "What hoop are you waiting for me to jump through? What test have I not passed?" bs. I don't want to ask what's holding him back from it because it's technically not even been two months. I'm guessing it's just some internal arbitrary shit where he doesn't want to feel like it's too soon.

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