[Claim] Ebohesa

History: [WIP]

Geography: [WIP]

Ethnicity/Demographics: [WIP]



Au Ebohesa [language + Ebohesa]

Yy oO bB tT hH pP sS eE [ʊ] [ɯ] [B] [ɖ] [h] [b] [ʂ] [e] uU cC aA zZ mM fF iI jJ
[y] [s] [a] [z] [ɱ] [β] [i] [j] wW


Au Ebohesa delineates pronouns based on the perceived social status to the speaker. The honorific word yaj is used to indicate a guess(of social status), or when the two speakers are meeting for the first time. If the speakers are acquaintances yaj can be dropped, but if still used it indicates politeness in a formal setting. Ceremonial Au Ebohesa, also known as O Ebohesa met has slightly different pronunciation and vocabulary to distinguish formal conversation from casual, and exists separately from ‘formal’Au Ebohesa as reserved for either diplomatic or religious contexts. Formal Au Ebohesa is used in situations of where the speaker is wishing to show either their own cultural status, or to be polite to those of higher statuses.

The main grammatical changes of O Ebohesa met are as follows: [bo] + First Person Pronouns [y] + Second Person Pronouns [hc] + Third Person Pronouns [a] is dropped from the ends of conjugated words and replaced with [u], with exceptions Interrogative questions are usually followed by the unique emotional particle [se] to emphasize politeness

Third person pronouns:

For third person pronouns, Au Ebohesa distinguishes between human and animal beings. It is not disrespectful to call a human by the designated human pronoun, but great offense will be taken if using the animal pronoun. Oftentimes there are specific complements to specify the animal pronoun, sometimes down to the species. These are however obscure, and rarely used outside literature or religious statements.


Au Ebohesa has three interrogatives, which are coco ("what/which"), yo sec ("how much/many") and wisau (“why/for what”). The tone often can rise or fall based on whether the phrase directly preceding it based on the tense of statement.

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