I want to claim my financial abundance that already exists. how can i live my life in the end state, as if I already HAVE that financial abundance, without actually using money (cause I aint got none) to throw around? break this shit down for me

ive tried the ladder and affirmations and vision boards and 555 and dimensional jumping, spell casting, meditation, everything and it's grandmother. deep underneath i have big big big goals and slowly some of them ARE coming to fruition, just not fast enough to solve my immediate needs, so it's like, i'm almost playing a game with myself, where I know ultimately everything will be where I want it to be, or where it's supposed to be, but for some reason I've paralyzed myself with self sabatoge / doubt that makes the "little things" feel more in control. i want to be able to manifest money and look at my checking account and see money in there. i'm not there yet and that's the level i want to be at, because I know that shit is posisble. i know it. i just havne't seen the momentum of the baby steps of progress yet. the bigger background goals are slowly shaping form but not the right in front of me shit, and i want the riht in front of me shit,

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