I claim that it is possible to reject parts of the Bible and doctrines of Christian churches without rejecting Jesus.

You have not made any argument *for* your position (gonsitic and/or anti- or non-sectarian). You have only iterated some attempts by sects to make their doctrinal case for sectarianism (and their self-validating rejection of gnosticism) , and then you dismiss as much cuz lost in translation, and their spotlighting/emphasizing, somehow, whatever. Both are weak dismissals.

An interesting argument to have would be what would jesus say (WWJS)?

First: Jesus and his followers were a jewish end-times cult. They eschewed the authority of the sectarian clerical class (pharisees and sadducees), and so sectarianism. But Jesus was also very much reinforcing much of the Tanakh... Which you could equally say there was much lost in translation. Early Mesoretic Text is first adapted from oral tradition using a consonantal proto-hebrew alphabet (i.e. no vowels)... and markings were belatedly added to indicate pronounciation.

The Quran was similarly this oral-to-consonantal-scripture-then-adding-markings-over-time-to-indicate pronounciation. But I digress.

To summarize: Jesus and his crew seemed to reject sectarianism, but were also fancying themselves doctrinal originalists.... Sort of like a Martin Luther of "Ninety Five Theses" fame... spawning The Reformation... Both were loyal to the faith/doctrine, but were butting heads with the hiearchy of the clerical class.

/r/DebateReligion Thread