Clash Pack - Alt art cards, feat. Courser of Kruphix, Hero's Downfall, Whip of Erebos...

The irony is that gender equality is at the forethought of Magic.

Yeah, I mean, Wizards is a seriously awesome company in terms of what they are trying to do. It's important to remember that concepts such as "racism" and "sexism" refer to social norms that permeate the society, not just the personal prejudices of an individual.

So, Wizards certainly makes some missteps and produces images and ideas that repeat certain sexist or racist memes from American culture, but they as a company are making conscious efforts to avoid those mistakes and, when mistakes are made, to immediately correct those mistakes.

And that is awesome.

But it is extremely important to remember that terms like "sexism" and "racism" don't refer to individuals, but to social concepts - because people forget that one incident of sexist remarks doesn't make you as an individual sexist. It means that you accidentally participated in a sexist social meme. Frankly, it happens to everyone. We all make this mistake.

When accidentally making a sexist remark (or publishing sexist art), the correct response is to immediately apologize and take measures. Which Wizards did when the art on this art was called out. "Oh, shit, damn, didn't realize. Sorry." That's the correct response.

Even the language on the cards suggests institutional gender equality by explicitly stating "his or her"

And they are committed to this. Doug Beyer's commentary on Ashiok demonstrates how serious they are about gender as an issue of language and wording.

To suggest the game is sexist because of a prejudiced and straw-grabbed viewpoint

Whew, it's a good thing that no one is doing this. Pointing out problematic art is not a "straw-grabbed" viewpoint. I was nodding along with your comment up to this point, where you start to demonstrate that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Because no one is calling Wizards itself a sexist organization. People are saying that this particular piece of art has unfortunate implications that reflect a society-wide idea that is negative and hurtful towards women. This doesn't mean that Wizards itself is sexist, or even that the artist who painted this piece is sexist, but rather that the social norms and social factors that the art reflects are sexist.

I understand why this is hard for some people. I understand why you don't understand this. It's an easy mistake to make.

That in and of itself suggests the sexist tendencies lie in the accuser rather than the game.

And this is where your entire comment falls apart. What does this even mean? I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say here, because this is pretty much outright insane.

Had it been a male character that cursed Garruk, this conversation wouldn't even have happened.

So you're saying that if the problem with the art hadn't existed, we never would have had a conversation about the problem with the art?

Um...yes? And if we had had a card with the flavor text, "Garruk is a fag, and I'm going to bash his gay ass," we would have had a different conversation about violence against men.

But that's not what the card portrayed, so it's not what we're talking about. Good job - you understand how alternate timelines work, but it has no relevance whatsoever to anything at all.

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