"We classical liberals aren't Nazis, but we do love our Nazi sources!"

If you misinterpreted me, I meant a .7 heritability in intelligence means environment can account for the entire racial IQ gap.

Yeah I misinterpreted you. I think I see what you mean now: that environmental differences could be larger than genetic differences in determining the total gap between two groups. In a cartoonishly simple example, if group A differs from the human average of 100 with +5 from genetics but -5 from environment, and group B differs by +5 from genetics and +5 from the environment, then the 10-point gap between those two would be due to the environment only. I agree that's possible, and it may be even likely the environment is the larger driver of most noteworthy differences. However, it's unlikely that all lineages have the same +/- effect of genetics (or environment). Every group (and every person) is going to experience some different combination of those.

You're talking about the relationship between race and IQ (which for example is about 10-15 between white/black in US), and that you think a significant chunk of this is mediated by genetics. Right?

I don't know or really care how significant the chunk is. I don't even know if the data rule out the possibility that blacks are genetically predisposed to be smarter than whites on average and environmentally suppressed to a lower number. My main point is that both factors are likely involved, regardless of size of the net contributions of each.

And genes really do underlie what is possible for an organism. This is evident if you consider a chimpanzee vs. human, but IMO it gets beside the point

Yes, but the difference beween species is much, much larger than between individuals of the same species, especially when comparing cognitive capacity vs humans. It is likely that the farthest outliers of a high-mean distribution are going to be larger than the farthest outliers of a lower-mean distribution (assuming equal variance), but there are still going to be plenty of individuals within the low-mean distribution who exceed the IQ threshold for even the most difficult technical jobs and conversations. Maybe it's not really possible for someone of recent African ancestry to hit an IQ of 190, but instead it's 175: either way, these "limits" are so freakishly above the normal range for all races that they're not really relevant to anything. Every race can produce a genius.

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