Classmate gets attention despite cured illness

Talked to her and she can’t justify too. The usual sop answers given to parent as well. There are many type of Teachers and I believe most are okay. Of course opportunities should be given but every single one, literally. The class is made up of 30 kids. When the kids make noise about it themselves. Is it a good solution to tell them to brush it away and not really understand the situation? I hope the next time such thing happen, they know the it is not their fault for not putting in effort. Such scenario will pop up every now and then in this real world.

Teachers will always take a stand for Teachers. I understand not easy to be teachers nowadays with parents into the picture too. But does this mean we have to be quiet about it. I did not bring this up to principal or moe level. At least a talk with her sets my level of respect for her. I have the rights for my own opinion. Dun use a generic term like teachers are hard becos parents like me. Where is the working hand in hand to groom children slogan? All for show?

/r/askSingapore Thread Parent