Classmates wouldn't show up to 11 year old's birthday party, so the police department showed up, along with the fire department and the mayor

I see so much vitriol given to the parents or the kids that were invited (called walking trash). But I wonder how many of you understand Aspergers? Simply put, someone with Asperger's doesn't get or understand social cues and norms. Now it seems to have a spectrum of severity, but still at the best it is very socially awkward.

There is a very good chance most of the 36 boys invited were not his friends, nor may have really interacted with him, as the people I've met with Asperger's were extremely antisocial (I am unsure if that was a symptom or a cause of Aspergers). He simply invited people that may have not been 'appropriate' to invite. As in, he invited all the boys in his class and on his bus, despite the fact that he only had a few friends. Chances are he may have invited the very bullies that are making his life hard. A young person with Asperger's may not get that socially, that is a very bad idea.

So why is everyone giving hell to the parents of the kids that may not like him at the worst, or simply don't care for him at the best? Why would you really want non-friends to show up? In fact, I'm more annoyed at his mother for letting this get out of hand, or at least not helping the situation by allowing him to send out 36 invitations to his birthday party when he never had any of the 36 boys over for a sleep-over or day out before. This situation of him being dejected by only his two mates showing up would not have happened if she helped him understand the problem with random invites. Further, having a super specialized party with the boy and his two best mates seems like an amazing chance to do what they love, not a random group activity for 30+ kids.

P.S. Before the spam train for criticizing the mother arrives. She may and probably is an amazing mother, she simply could have went about this better. Not everything I do is amazing as a father, but criticism is not an insult and I have never taken criticisms of me as such.

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