cleaning cigarette smoke from walls after 20 years

Omg. Okay. Let's go back to the main point of this comment thread.

Okay, so you concede you were wrong with your points?

All compounds are naturally occurring.

This a logical fallacy and a ridiculous one. To your previous point, ammonia is naturally occurring. Cyanide is naturally occurring. Mustard gas is naturally occurring. Potent, toxic, carcinogenic substances are naturally occurring. Saying one product is better than another because one contains only "naturally occurring" "chemicals" isn't an argument. It's a logical fallacy.

The subject of the conversation was ADDED chemicals vs. naturally occurring chemicals

This isn't an argument. It's a logical fallacy.

Of course a cigarette coming out of a factory is going to be different than some flower from your local grower.

Let's go back to the main point of the comment thread. This discussion is literally about cancer.

I never said ANYTHING about ammonia and cancer

Okay, so you were just bringing up random points?

We're talking about cancer. Nothing added to cigarettes makes them more dangerous to your health, when comparing a cigarette smoked vs. a joint smoked.

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