Climate change anxiety

Another OCD-er + "collapsnik" mindset - I've...kinda made peace with it. While possible total human annihilation seems unlikely, at least in my view. We forget our resilience and adaptability as a species. Things will get worse before they get better. Some will die for the greater good and we will finally learn.

Perhaps admitting your mortality is the issue here too?

But then the future remains as uncertain as ever, in spite of our ravaging search for certainty. Despite the increasingly-gloomier looking landscape wars and mass migration aren't guaranteed, but still..."hope for the best, prepare for the worst".

Keep going green at least for your own conscience and don't bite too hard into either cake lest you lose your teeth. :P /r/collapse and /r/futurology are no better than the other. Finding the truth is, in many regards, a personal journey.

I don't know how to tell you not to worry. Don't. For the most part it's out of your control. Try to make a change, enjoy your life, prepare for the apocalypse - all in equal amounts.

/r/Anxiety Thread